Richard and Kimberly Wilson lead the Focus Group on Strategic Prayer, working with leaders in many cities. Contact them here for more information.
1. United Prayer,
2. Outreach,
3. Training 7 sphere Leaders
Spiritual Transformation
Overcoming Sin and Cultural Oppression
"The Church’s Main Purpose and Responsibilities:
It is useful first to summarize the main functions of a church:
Gather the people of God for worship, the Lord’s Supper, baptism, prayer, and the proclamation of the Truth (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor 11:23-26; 14:26; 1 Tim 4:13-16).
Instruct God’s people in Biblical truth for every sphere of life, not just religious topics. This involves Sunday preaching, regular classes, and other educational opportunities (2 Tim 3:16-17). Advanced schools and colleges are also key for continuing the training necessary to transform culture.
Equip and mobilize God’s people for service, not just in the church, but in all the other six “mountains” of culture where believers live out their callings (Eph 4:11-12,16; Titus 3:8,14). The church must also provide coordination and support for individuals and families in their mission. "
Beliles, Mark
Quote from the book:
Casting out the Nation´s Demons

Our Services

Biblical Worldview Training
Our organization can provide one of the most in depth teaching in Biblical worldview for:
7 Sphere Leadership Schools
Launch discipleship schools for each sphere of influence
Advising on Transformational Projects
How to start transformational projects for your city and nation that will have a long lasting impact.

Strategy & Best Practices to Transform the Spiritual life of a Nation

  Community-oriented Unified Prayer, uniting Christians from different churches and dneominations, directing prayer to the nation in public spaces.

A missional approach rather than an attractional model is key to growing the numbers of believers in a nation. Much of modern western European and American styles of evangelism are based on the attractional model which is mainly based on trying to bring people to a church. This strategy works when there is an overwhelming Christian culture and large numbers of believers. A missional model takes the church out to where people, seeking to meet needs there and finding a way to relate the gospel to people who have no inclination to ever attend a church. 
Pastors should indeed influence other spheres of society, but their main task according to Ephesians 4:12 is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  Only when a church’s leadership is faithfully “teaching them all that I commanded” will transformation of a nation be possible.
To become that transforming agent, a church must send out leaders for the nation, preparing them by expand its Sunday sermons and discipleship programs beyond the exclusive focus of individual salvation, personal piety, and victory in life. Transforming church’s curriculum should include all six key areas of cultural influence: Family, Business, Education, Media, Health Care, and Government. The church is the training center of leaders for the nation, not only more leaders for the church.



Organizations & Affiliates of spiritual transformation
Biblical Wordlview that Restores a Comprehensive View of the Gospel to Transform Nations. Led by Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt.
Transform World 2033
A global movement to renew the church to transform nations until 2033 anniversary of Christ's resurrection. Founded by Luis...
A family of connected apostolic leaders who are developing leaders and advancing the Kingdom of God worldwide. Led by John...